A Little About Me

Cody Townley
2 min readMar 3, 2021

Hi! My name is Cody Townley. I am a husband, father, and what feels like a lifetime student. You see, I have been going to school full time since I was in kindergarten, and once I turned 16, I began working a 30 plus hour-a-week job.

Baby ME!

Baby Cody

So after graduating high school amongst the top of my class and acceptance letters to top colleges nationwide, I chose to stay close to home and attend Wichita State University (so I could be close to my now wife!). I began my studies as a computer science major with absolutely zero experience. To make a long story short, I was not prepared for what college threw at me, and 8 years, 184 credit hours, 1 associate's degree, and a mountain of student loan debt with nothing to show for it later, I found myself almost in a state of panic. What have a done with my life, and where had the time gone. Don’t get me wrong; I had learned a ton about everything from psychology to business to organic chemistry and everything in between “ I am a very well-rounded scholar.”

At this point in my life, I had finally figured out that sentence that you always hear your parents and mentors harp on, “Do what makes you happy, and you will never work a day in your life.” This is beyond true. I had chased money and the dream of what money can buy for far too long. Enough was enough. At a local community college, I decided to take classes on computer engineering.

After a few classes, I began to delve fully into this passion of mine. I purchased books on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, and general web development. I watched youtube videos for hours and stumbled upon LambdaSchool. This school offered a full course on web development. They said you don’t pay a penny until you make over a certain amount. They also say they have an interactive staff that truly cares about the students and their success. Wow, I thought, sign me up. It has been 12 months, and the end of the program is here. After all, I have been through many near-sleepless nights, and it is hard to believe how much I have learned and how far I have come.



Cody Townley

Husband | Dad | Lifetime Student | Full-Stack Web Developer